
Boating Links

US Coast Guard

The US Coast Guard has a terrific Boating Safety website. Never go to sea unprepared! Visit this site and make sure you know how to boat safely and what to do in case of an on-the-water emergency.

US Coast Guard i911 Program

Use your cell phone to help the USCG locate you in emergencies

First Coast Guard District command center crews, from Maine to Northern New Jersey, have a new tool to help distressed mariners come home to their families after being out to sea.

The i911 program allows for watchstanders to use a mariner’s cellphone number to assist in finding their location for Coast Guard rescue crews to locate them faster. Once the number is entered, the mariner receives a text message authorizing them to share their location with the U.S. Coast Guard. Once shared, the internal cell phone’s GPS, which uses satellites to pinpoint the mariner’s location, is displayed on a screen for watchstanders to aid in the search for them.

Click here for the full story


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a good resource for the Tide, Water Level, Temperature, WInd information you need to make it safely to your destination or win that race. Remember: Be safe; FIle a Sail Plan.

This is a new service/site from NOAA for an ocean floor viewer  BUT if you click on the drop down tab "Options" you can select to load nautical charts.  Go over to any bay and you will see the benefit.


NOAA Online Charts

Raritan Bay and Southern Part of Arthur Kill


ASA Inside Sailing

On-camera interviews with prominent and/or interesting figures in the world of sailing:

No license is needed to fish in salt water in New Jersey, but you do have to register - and it's for FREE! If you registered last year, you need to renew for this year.
If you think you might drop your hook on the other side of the bay, you can also register in NY (for free) at

Maritime Accidents and Injuries

A Kid's Guide to Boating Knots

Link courtesy of Trevor Brodie of Boy Scout troop #246

Animated Knot Tying

The knots in this section are the most basic knots - the building blocks of knot tying.

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association 

A Chartplotter and GPS Navigation Software. OpenCPN is a free software (GPLv2) project tocreate a concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and refinement. Android devices can download the OpenCPN under Play Store.




Stevens Institute Current Charts

Boating Safety for All Ages: