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Items For Sale

Bob Gregg

Watermaker - Brand New and In The Box


In the box and brand new. Utilizes an enhanced hydraulic Clark Pump, with titanium components, Aquatec Boost/feed pump. Produces 8-10 gallons per hour, draws 8.0 – 10.0 amps @ 12.5-14.4 VDCs. Produced by Electromaax, a stellar company with excellent product support.

Please see accompanying documentation.

$3,900 plus shipping (if you live in NJ, or can pick it up at KYC, no shipping cost)

Long story short, I was unable to install it in the fall, due to my torn rotator cuff, and our cruising plans for the Caribbean changed, for the foreseeable future.

Please contact me if interested, or would like further information.

Bob Gregg


[email protected]

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